Another ideal city, London 2050
'City of Amnesia’ speculates on a future where monuments are demolished/reassembled to redefine their significance. By exploring monuments' qualities absent from nowadays, it proposes to re-built London based on individuals' history rather than collective’s; memory rather than truth.
A World of Memory and Amnesia’s Echoes
“’Well, do you appreciate that there are bound to be as many types of human being as there are of political systems?’ I asked. ‘Or do you imagine that political systems somehow come into being from oak or from rock, rather than from the characters of the communities’ inhabitants?”
- Plato’s Republic, Chapter 11, 544d
Amnesia Museum
Seasonal showroom
The Amnesia Museum features seasonal showrooms that recount the personal histories of inhabitants through the narratives of two fictional characters, Giovanni Rossi and Jane Miller. The design unlocks their memories by incorporating a series of 'vernacular' and 'personal' spatial artefacts. As the narrative delves deeper into their memories, the artifacts will exhibit varying degrees of 'Capriccio' accordingly.
Amnesia’s Museum tour